Daylight saving ends this weekend.


The implied end of warm sunny days and looming winter gloom always leaves me a little sad.

But an extra hour’s sleep makes me very happy!


How best to embrace that bonus hour of snoozing?


Slap those sleepy eyeballs onto this video I supplied the voiceover for.

It offers five tips to ‘help you catch more Zs’….



The video was created by Explanimate as part of ‘Stay Afloat’ –  a program dedicated to improving the mental health and wellness of those working within the Australian Seafood Industry.

And as an added bonus. here are a few extra sleep tips from me…



The Voiceover’s better sleep tip number 1:

If you happen to wake up at 2.17am, do NOT reach for your device to Wordle.
Especially when it turns out to be your first fail, breaking your 100% run and plunging you into existential despair and self-loathing 😱

The Voiceover’s first Wordle fail.


The Voiceover’s better sleep tip number 2:

Ensure your bed’s best real estate has not been entirely taken over by cats, otherwise you will be forced into a pretzel like position which is not terribly conducive to quality sleep.

Cats claim bed’s best real estate.



The Voiceover’s better sleep tip number 3:

Avoid nightmares by letting me voice your next project.  You’ll rest easy knowing your project will be enhanced by a quality soundtrack, completed well within your deadline.


Sleep dreams.


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